Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Ever have problems with your bike cleats?

Shoes attached to my bike with Tri-Clips. Way easier than rubber bands!
At this weekend's race I had a tough time getting my bike shoes to clip into my SpeedPlay pedals on my bike. I leave them attached to my bike with my Tri-Clips so I can just throw my feet in and go. Last night I went out for a ride and had a tough time getting my shoes to clip in and once they were clipped in I could NOT unclip them. So to stop I had to take my feet out of my shoes while my shoes were attached to the bike. Now this is fine and dandy on race day but not when you come across hoards of people on a Greenway or want to stop easily at a stop sign!

Last weekend's race was super muddy. I had a choice coming into T2 off the bike: slip my feet out and run through the mud and have super muddy feet in my running shoes or just keep the feet clean for running and run in my bike shoes through the transition area. I chose to run in my bike shoes to my transition mat. However, they ended up super caked with mud. I worked on cleaning them but apparently it wasn't good enough.

So today I took my bike shoes to our local SpeedPlay dealer, East Coasters of Roanoke, VA. They were SO super friendly and the customer service was AMAZING!! I LOVED the guy John who was working there and the co-owner Wes ofcourse! They took my shoes right away and took the cleats off to clean and lube them and they are as good as new! So, if you ever have a problem with your bike shoe cleats, you might need to take them apart to clean them.  Easy and fast fix! Well, maybe not THAT easy because it took a dremel tool to get them off! So glad they were fixed because the next race is coming up on Sunday! Yay! 

Bike Cleats super clean and lubed!
East Coasters, I can't thank you enough for such amazing service! I am truly impressed!! Thanks for taking care of me! You guys rock!

Ooooo! Pink!
And if you are looking into bike pedals, I love my pedals by SpeedPlay. You can clip in on both sides and they are made to be aerodynamic. Mine are pink but sadly they don't come in pink anymore, but they do still come in some pretty cool colors! Happy Training!

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