Friday, January 18, 2013

The Off-Season Delusion

A stop at a store after a tough mountain climb with more climbing to come!
I was really looking forward to the off-season. I was looking forward to working on swimming, biking, and running. I thought miracles would happen during this time if I worked hard enough!  OK, I admit it: I am goal oriented and quite obsessive (FOR REAL) about triathlon. Yes, I have fun too, but I plan, make goals, and OBSESS. You might as well add in worrying here as well. 

My 2012 triathlon season was the year in which I got a coach and made huge leaps in triathlon. Since the end of the season I have biked every weekend even when it was bitter, freezing, and blustery outside except for one weekend when I had the flu; I swim three days a week with an amazing swim coach; and I have increased my running with runs three to four days a week with a long run on the weekends except for the last two weeks where I'm running in the water due to a run injury. I have probably biked, swam, and ran more than anytime before in my life.  I have made bike distance PR's and gone further and climbed more than ever in my entire life. 
We have had so many fun group rides with friends this off-season!
This is from Sunday JANUARY 13th! Notice the short sleeves!
It was in the 70's in January which is NOT a normal thing!
It was like having a vacation weekend! Loved it!
I have been building a base this off-season with some tempo work during the week. I haven't completed any run races so I'm not even sure how much faster I might be than last season. Until the moment I got a coach in May 2012, I ran on race day. I never ran or practiced, I just went and did it. It is probably a miracle I never had a run injury before now! My coach says I got by with a less deep aerobic base by simply guts, raw natural talent, and sport specificity after he started working with me in May. I'm hoping all of the slower base building will make me a stronger triathlete for the 2013 season but sometimes I'm not always convinced that the work I do pays off. My worrying self has bouts of negativity and doubt. Me worry? Shocking I know.
Arie (5), Eva (7), Patricia (an American Girl Doll), and Thijs (3) enjoying a winter's fire at home
We finally had snow! My horse has had fun rolling in it and doesn't look like a grey anymore!
It took me during this off-season to realize that improvement is a long and slow process. Getting this triathlon thing is going to take YEARS. I'm glad because I'm in it for the long haul. And no matter how much I worry and obsess, I really am having fun and love this lifestyle and I really, really love this sport called triathlon! So, while improvement is a slow process, I'm ready to accept that now, and realize I was a bit delusional entering the off-season. Learning sports specific technique and building a base is something that takes time. If it wasn't challenging and if I wasn't always learning something new, then it wouldn't be interesting or as much fun! Enjoy the rest of the off-season - a time of building and learning!

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