Sunday, February 10, 2013

Looney Bin for Triathletes Gone Duathlete

The police officer here was pretty adorable
Since I have had a run injury from the beginning of the year (plantar fasciitis) and haven't been able to run I have been loosing my mind a bit. I told my coach I needed to start running or I would need to be put in a special home for triathletes gone duathlete! 

Luckily the cell mates were pretty cute and entertaining.

Happily I started running some over the last two weeks but more of a walking warm up followed by a 3 or 4 minute run and a 1 minute walk (x 4). It was SO great to be running again even if it was only for a couple of minutes! I can't say my feet are totally perfect yet but this is a GREAT start just to be able to run some!! Not being able to run was a REAL reality check. I have an all new appreciation of just being able to do it and I'm pretty sure I will never say again that I "hate" running. It's amazing what just a couple of minutes of running can do for your body and your mind! I guess I never realized the benefits until now. 

I'm excited for my seven year old daughter Eva who will get to start the first Girls on the Run program in our area on Monday. We had a  really fun time yesterday shopping for running shoes and clothes for her! She will take the twice weekly class with her little friend Lucy and I'm sure they will have a blast! The class will prepare them for a local upcoming spring 5K! 
Eva (right) with her friend (left) and their American Girl Dolls
A couple of years ago we signed Eva up for a 5K because she wanted to do one but I made the mistake of running the race and not running with her. She lost me at the first corner and went running back to my mom and husband after only a couple hundred feet. 

Now Eva is older and will be in a group of girls her own age so hopefully this time she will finish the race and have a great time preparing for and doing the race! She is looking forward to Monday and I'm excited that I get to try to run for 20 minutes straight on Monday! Headed out for a fun group bike ride today! Can't wait!

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