Sunday, January 20, 2013

Defying The Weather

We haven't given in to the winter weather yet and today after this week's snow storm we weren't willing to throw out our weekend bike ride. We weren't sure what the roads would look like and we only have road bikes so we spent much of the time picking our bikes up and carrying them over mud and snow and ice.
Husband Rob
No way I'm giving up the cool Carbon wheels during the winter!
We also spent much of our time getting on and off the bike because gates were shutting off various routes. We finally decided we would take the risk and ride up one of our local mountains on the Parkway (Mill Mountain) and the road was in great shape as long as you weren't too close to the sides! It was a super fun and quick ride to the top! I was hoping to ride further on the Parkway but it was closed off and loaded with snow!

It ended up being a short ride due to the road conditions but it sure beats being stuck inside on a trainer! My nickname for the trainer is SB. No, no, not what you are thinking! It's a sweat bath! That thing kills me!
Sweating to death on the indoor trainer
So, while we didn't have any accidents, it is probably safer to wait until road conditions are better. However, we still had a great time! Here is a peak at what the storm did to our local Greenway:
Tons of debris blocking the way on low lying bridges
Debris and garbage hanging on to the bridge
Let's hope the roads are clearer next week so we have less interrupted riding! If we had something other than a road bike it wouldn't be an issue. For those of you who are wondering, there is actually a group on the web who love to bike in the ice and snow called the icebikers: There they discuss the type of equipment you need and how to handle your bike in those snow and ice conditions. I think it would be a fun thing to do with the right gear! Happy Training this week! 


  1. Hi Kimberley,

    Totally off-topic: can you tell Rob I sent him an e-mail on his hotmail-account the day before yesterday? It is about the summer holidays and its kind of urgent for me.

    On topic:
    As the winter gets kind of rough here, well rougher then in Holland anyway, I put winter-tyres on my old bike. They are so cool. They have tiny spikes and you can ride on snow and even ice almost as good as on the plain road.
    (I only use my bike for getting around in the city, I don't do much touring).

  2. Hi Bob! I'll let him know! He didn't mention anything yesterday! Yay! Does this mean you are coming? ;)!!!!!!!!!! That would be AWESOME! We will be here waiting on you :) I wish I had another bike so I could bike in the snow! That would be fun!! Rob biked to work today because the weather is better today. Ice yesterday kept things from opening on time and today it should be warm! Yay! My e-mail is if you need me. Hugs :) xoxo Kimberly
