Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Age Group Triathlon Nationals A Crazy Go and Injury Update

Last week I was at one doctor's office or another for FOUR days out of the week trying to figure out what my leg injury is. My sports medicine doctor, Dr. Bolin, thinks I have popliteal artery entrapment. I know, popa-what? Check out my last blog for that description! He is sending me to a vascular surgeon next. Please note it is still NOT diagnosed. I would need to go to the vascular surgeon for an MRI and a non-contrast MRA (angiogram) before that could even be diagnosed. In the meantime my extremely awesome friend and fellow triathlete suggested I go see her very awesome chiropractors from Kennedy Chiropractic in Salem, VA. The chiropractor was one light in the darkness! He thinks he can fix me right up!

Last week at their office I had tons of X-rays taken and infrared images of my feet. Looks like I don't bear weight on my feet well and my pelvis is quite out of alignment so I'm putting alot of weight on my injured leg. Today they worked on me some and I'm totally happy and willing to give it a go, as it sure beats surgery!

In the meantime I decided I AM GOING to the Age Group National Championship. I might be the most out of shape triathlete and the last one in but I'm going AND I'm going to have a good time! No, I have not been training, yes, I'm in pain all the time, yes, I'm sure I'll be walking most of the course and resting during the swim and bike  - BUT - I WILL BE THERE! 

Pre-Race Checklist:
1. Totally out of Shape - Check!
2. Doing it Anyway - Check!
3. Sure I can't hurt myself any worse than I am - Check!
4. Looking forward to a good time - Check!
5. Feeling reunited with my Tri Bag and Gear - Check!
6. Oversized pink bag stuffed with kids clothes and my clothes - Check!

7. Toes painted - Check!

Ok, this is NOT my typical pre-race checklist but I'm going for it no matter how ugly it might be! Goody Bag and post race beer here I come!! See you at Nationals!