Monday, March 25, 2013

Bouncing Back After Injury, Tracking Your Pace When Racing, Where Is Spring?

We knew some bad weather was headed our way this weekend so luckily I got my brick (bike-run) in on Saturday. I was beginning to wonder if it would ever happen because Saturday got so busy! I looked outside and noticed the ponies were running circles NOT in the fenced in area so we had to spend some time getting the ponies back in and fixing the fence. Our goats are pretty hard on fences and can put a hole in most anything! Then on Friday night I actually shut the car door on my hand which made biking a bit difficult at first but then I figured I could hold my handle differently for the duration of my ride and it would be ok! My hand is feeling MUCH better now luckily but boy did it look BAD! Only me, right?
Garmin Forerunner 10  - I got pink OFCOURSE :)
Returning to running after having had an injury has NOT been pretty. I used to be able to determine my pace just by the feel but lately I'll go out and run and think I'm smoking the run and come to find out I was running quite slow for me! I feel like returning to my comfortable and faster pace is going to take some time with more run mileage back on my feet. I finally broke down and purchased one of the simplest Garmins, a Garmin Forerunner 10, so I can track my pace when I am running during races. Last year I used a simple watch with a stopwatch and I could track my pace at each mile. However, I feel like my running has suffered so much that I really need to know what my pace is when I start running before I get to that first mile. I have to admit that the Garmin Forerunner 10 is pretty COOL! I love that I can see my pace while I am running and then upload my data to view lots of specific data, and I can upload my running into Training Peaks now! The price is pretty decent coming in at $129.

My first triathlon for the season is coming up on April 6th. By this time last year the weather was great and I had been outside a ton riding, running, and working on my transitions. I have still been outside but it has been very cold and very windy! Riding and running in headwinds is tough and I can't wait for some sunnier weather that STAYS! I do need to work on my transitions in the next couple of weeks but it has been TOO cold to be outside without socks on! I don't wear socks when racing! If it doesn't warm up I'll be out there practicing with some very cold toes! By the look of the roads I'm afraid I might see a treadmill in my future today. The roads around me are not clear! Enjoy the winter scenery! While it is pretty, let's hope it doesn't return until NEXT WINTER!

You can't believe the number of Cardinals and other birds at our house!
They were SO beautiful and loving the cat food! Luckily the cat was too scared to grab one!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Swimming, Dealing With Soreness As Training Intensity Increases, What Is A Good Tri Investment, And Tri Bike Fitting

The time has come to get more race specific training and leave the winter base building phase. The week before last I hit a 100 yard swim PR of 1:38. Last week I beat that at 1:35! I feel like I am finally moving through the water some! Having some faster swim sets has really helped improve my swim time after having worked on technique with TONS of drills for the past six months. I am working on reaching out with LONG arms and pulling back with a high elbow catch. Here is some advice on the high elbow catch that I found to be useful from Brenton Ford:

Somehow I have lost 10 seconds on my 100 yard time in a two week period just by transitioning to faster swim sets. I'm pretty excited about the progress and like how I am actually starting to "feel" the water.
Rumble Roller
With the increased intensity in my workouts, I have been REALLY sore! I am so thankful I finally broke down and bought the rumble roller! Yes, I thought it might be a bit of hype and it's a bit pricey but rolling this over my sore muscles has helped immensely!! I LOVE it! 

With all of the aches and pains I've had this past week, one of them was knee pain for the first time ever. It led me to read an interesting article on cycling and knee pain in which they discuss plausible explanations for knee pain associated with cycling: Here they also discuss how you can use the rumble roller to alleviate some of your aches and pains. 

Taking the plunge to finally buy a roller leads me to this next subject of interest: What makes a good tri investment? What are you willing to pay to be faster? What products will help you get there and what is worth the money? I just read a great article on Training Peaks called "Get the Most Bang for Your Buck". It discusses whether it is worth it to get those uber cool carbon wheels or whether it is worth it to invest in a coach.  It breaks it down into the following:
1. Bike fit or Aero Helmet?
2. Power Meter or Carbon Wheels? P.S. I would LOVE To have a power meter on my bike! That would be C-O-O-L!
3. Training Plans or Hiring a Coach?
4. Losing Weight? 

The answers were easy for me. I LOVE my Zipp 808 Carbon Clinchers! They are just super fun to ride on! It was also worth it to get properly fitted on my tri bike. Last year I hired a coach to specifically fit me for my tri bike because I found I could never really get down in an aero position after paying for an expensive fitting at a local bike shop. Although I have had my tri bike since 2010, last spring was my first time really down on my aerobars because for the first time I was properly fitted. I hired TriAdventure Multisport Training in order to help me get down on my aerobars and make the proper fit for my bike. The local bike store was WAY off and it was well worth it to hire TriAdventure for one month to work with me to transition me onto my aerobars. However, what tops it all for me has been having an amazing coach like Jim McGehee with One-On-One Endurance! I wouldn't trade his coaching services for anything in the world! It has been such a great experience and he has really made me love triathlon even more (was this possible??) and love training as well! 

I hope everybody is having a great time training! Let's hope this crazy weather warms up and stays warm! Doesn't the weather know spring is just right around the corner?!?!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Why The Chicken Crossed The Road And Other Bits Of Triathlon Randomness

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Well, to catch the triathlete ofcourse! It usually takes me several minutes to "shoo" away chickens when I try to start running from the house. Well, recently I really confused the chickens by running in circles in the driveway. At every turn they would chase until they figured out I wasn't really going anywhere except back to the house! 

I don't know about you but I am SUPER STOKED about the time change. This means daylight in the evenings which means somebody (like my mother or husband) gets to watch the kids while I can get on my REAL bike and off that trainer!! It's also getting VERY close to race season: THANK GOODNESS!! My first race is in April so it is time to start training more race specific. This means bricks, faster running, and a different type of training for the pool.

With the time change and since it is nearing "in-season" time I changed my schedule so I will no longer be getting up at 5AM to get in my work out! Let me tell you, I enjoyed not getting up so early all week! This means I stopped using my amazing swim coach Eva Steib and am swimming on my own and get training plans from my crazy awesome triathlon coach Jim McGehee with One-on-One Endurance. Let me tell you, after just one of Jim's swim workouts I'm not so sure I can use my arms this week! 

I also swam my fastest 100 EVER last week! When I started with Eva Steib in September my fastest clocked 100 for 25 yards was 1:54 although my average race swim time was more around 2:10 last year for 25 yards. Last week I clocked a 100 in 1:38 in a 25 yard pool! Now that is COOL! I was beginning to wonder if all of that time in the pool was worth it to loose a couple of seconds! Now, for many of you this is not an uber fast swim time but having just made it across the pool in May of 2010, this is finally a bit of progress!

On the run side of things I am back to running but not running for several months is NOT a quick bouncing back process! My feet are doing pretty good after a several month bout with plantar fasciitis. They aren't perfect but I can walk and I am not dying! I also have some new uber cool and ofcourse pink running shoes! I haven't had too problems with my feet since I changed my shoes! So far I really love these!

Nike Free +3
Running during the week is not always in the funnest of places such as running circles in the driveway while I take care of three children who are busy playing in rounds bales of hay or running in the WAY TOO HILLY and somewhat dreary cemetery while the Y watches my kids.

What my winter weekday cemetery running has looked like:

The weather has also been pretty tough up until this week! Quite cold and very windy and add some snow into that mix as well! It was so windy biking the other weekend that I almost thought I would have to walk my bike up a hill because the wind was pushing me back so hard! The weather was also bad enough that I actually got on the treadmill that I use to hang clothes and toys on in my bedroom. I had enough of that after 17 minutes! Just doesn't feel "real" to me! 

Did someone leave a note on my car? No! A shingle landed on the car due to the high winds!
The true purpose for my treadmill
The entire diet thing I threw out the window after I didn't loose any weight. I decided I love lattes, cheese, sour cream, and beer way to much but I am watching how much I eat and what I eat. The next experiment might be a gluten free one but that would remove beer from my diet so I don't think I can go THAT far! 

On an end note I have been heading back to our local Y to swim in the afternoons. That place is loaded down with triathletes! Since I started going back last week the pool is full of folks in their VTS (Virginia Triathlon Series) swim caps, chiseled triathlon bodies (you can pick the triathletes out of a crowd!), and even cooler I saw one lady with a swim, bike, run tattoo on her leg! This reminds me why I became friends with a girl in South Carolina who I met at a race there. She had a beautiful swim, bike, run tattoo across her arm and I thought "now that is a girl I need to know!". Anybody who can plaster a swim, bike, run scene on their body has to be seriously cool and has to really love triathlon! 
Angie's tattoo
Angie is one cool gal! Love that tattoo!
Here is to more light in the evenings and somersaults to a quickly approaching race season! Happy Training Peeps!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Triathlon Bling: The Drool List

As the season quickly approaches I find myself daydreaming about really cool gear. Will really cool overly priced stuff make you faster? No, probably not, but it sure does look COOL! Last March I purchased my dream wheels: ZIPP 808 Carbon Clinchers. I also updated my crank and cassette to Shimano Ultegra with a Dura Ace chain. 
Zipp 808 Carbon Clinchers

When I got into triathlon I really leaped in. I had a comfort bike I had never ridden and another local gal talked me into riding with her but I couldn't keep up on the comfort bike. So my husband let me borrow his bike and I ended up riding his bike which was WAY too big for me in my first triathlon. 

Husband Rob's bike I used in my first tri gone duathlon due to severe weather
P.S. That is my old car. I miss it. Never trade in your 4WD with heated leather seats for a minivan.
Keep it in the yard to use when it snows!!!!!!
I knew I needed to buy a road bike but I couldn't find a new or used one in my size. I had also thought about a tri bike but hadn't made that leap either. I had been thinking about a little pink tri bike I had seen in the Giant catalog. There had only been 2 in the entire US left. So I called the local bike store to see if there were any still for sale and come to find out somebody in town had ordered that cute little pink bike and returned it and there it was sitting on their sales floor! Hey, you, in town, thanks so much for ordering and returning her! I love her! Out of all the towns for her to walk into, she walked into mine! It was meant to be. I bought her without even riding her. It was a great choice!
My cute pink tri bike with her extremely awesome Zipps!
Well, I had her but I really couldn't ride her. I had no idea how to shift those gears on the aero bars. I figured it out on the race site the day before I raced on her. And while I bought her in 2010 I didn't really get down into an aero position until last year in 2012 and I'm short enough I had to make alot of modifications in order to be able to get down on my aerobars.

So last year my little pink aluminum tri bike got fancied up with her new crank, new cassette, new chain, and my beautiful dream wheels - the Zipp 808 Carbon Clinchers! When I first rode on them I was wondering if I had made a mistake! They felt so scary and I felt like I couldn't control my bike. Now I've gotten used to them but keep them on year round to bike in so I can stay accustomed to the "feel" of the wheels. They glide like magic but I get thrown around in the wind ALOT! 
Drool, drool, drool: Zipp Vuka Stealth Aerobars
This year I've been daydreaming about a new handlebar and aerobar set. My aerobars are flat instead of sloped up so they hurt my wrist and arms and back. Well, I know what I would love to have but I can definitely ONLY dream about these, ha ha! Lately I've been drooling over the Zipp Vuka Stealth Aerobars. They are an integrated stem and basebar with 1,920 fit options. However, it sells for $1070 and doesn't even include the shifters or the extensions. Add an additional $130 for for the Zipp Vuka Carbon extensions and $391 for the Zipp Vuka R2C Aero Shifters. Now that is alot of money for the front end of your bike! But boy would it look cool, ha ha! 
Zipp Carbon Extensions
Zipp Vuka Aeroshifters
My second item on my drool list is the Gyro Air Attack Helmet. It isn't yet available but should be available this spring and sells for $200. 
Drool Number 2: Air Attack Helmet

You can also purchase this helmet with a shield for $40 more. I am one gal that did not buy into the aerotail helmet fad. 

In my opinion and based on other research I read, I just don't think they are safe. I would be one of the dufus heads to fall on my bike and break some part on my body because of one of those helmets. Yes, evidence supports helmets with the aerotail will make you faster but is it worth the risk in injury? No. I think first and foremost the helmet is there to serve as SAFETY. So I have been using a pretty inexpensive helmet that only serves to protect my head and I find it to be comfortable. So, not only is the Air Attack a safer option with it's rounded helmet shape but it is also very aerodynamic. This baby I am getting when it comes available!

Also on my drool list is various uber cute outfits which if you purchase more than one it would add up to being a ridiculous amount of money. I've been drooling over the idea of purchasing a lululemon running skirt although I don't like the color selections so much this spring. This runs for $58.00:

I've also been wiping the slober from my face on the thought of the cute hotpink Athleta skort. This comes in at $49.00:

While daydreaming about athletic gear I also came across a site that has some pretty cute skorts as well! Check out this one! It comes form ink-n-burn and they have a pretty cool selection of skorts! This runs for about $75.00: 

Women's Pink Ink Skirt
So my 2013 Triathlon Bling Drool List is as follows:
1. The Zipp Vuka Stealth stem and base with extensions and aeroshifters  - $1591 without tax;

2. The Gyro Aero Attack Helmet - $200;
3. Some uber cute running skirts from lululemon, Athleta, or Ink-n-Burn;


4. A New TriSuit! This one can be wiped off the list!

Well, admittedly I had a new trisuit on my wish list and this year I had one made by Abpro Sports! It's great because you can make a custom suit and only have to order one! It will be made and shipped to me in April, hopefully before my first race! And let's hope it fits, otherwise it will be looking really chic hanging from my wall! Check it out!

Check out the Tri-Clips and One-on-One Endurance logos! Cool!
Will my dream list come true this year? Probably not! Particularly not the extremely awesome Zipp front end stem and bar for my bike! This year I have to figure out how to get to London for the Age Group Sprint World Championship. We can probably cover expenses for me but I really wanted to bring my family with me! I keep playing Publishers Clearing House but daggon if I haven't won yet and I keep saying I want to win the lottery but I fail to ever buy a lottery ticket. Well, at least we are rich in our hearts or so that is how the saying goes, ha ha. Happy drooling over some of your favorite bling! What triathlon bling are you daydreaming about for this season?